Ex.: Masculine language sometimes appears in business documents. For example, in a business document, the following statement appeared: “The employee must arrive approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to his scheduled time.” The use of “his” calls into question if this employer allows females to work there. If females do work there, the language of this document disregards their importance in the work place. This example shows that gender stereotypes still exist in career fields today.
With this type of essay, you can be more subjective about the topic, using examples from your life and your personal point of view to prove your point.
Ex.: I used to work at a law firm that gave less salary to women than to men who had the same position.
Conclusion: The conclusion restates the thesis and asserts the significance of the thesis. What is the importance or implications of what you have shown in your essay?
Example/Illustration essays should show rather than tell. What is the difference between these two terms?Make sure that your examples/illustrations are applicable to your thesis and include particulars.
Ex.: Masculine language sometimes appears in business documents. For example, in a business document, the following statement appeared: “The employee must arrive approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to his scheduled time.” The use of “his” calls into question if this employer allows females to work there. If females do work there, the language of this document disregards their importance in the work place. This example shows that gender stereotypes still exist in career fields today.
With this type of essay, you can be more subjective about the topic, using examples from your life and your personal point of view to prove your point.
Ex.: I used to work at a law firm that gave less salary to women than to men who had the same position.