I always knew that I was a girl. Mainly because everyone was always telling me that. I never truly got what the difference between what made a guy and guy and what made a girl and girl until sex education in the fifth grade, which is a terrible thing to learn about that young. But, my first memory of the fact that I was female and that truly made a difference was when I was in the second grade. I was in a Christian school at the time and I was the top seller during one of our events we were doing. For being the top seller, I got to ride in a limonene and bring two of my friends along. Of course, I wanted to bring my two best friends along which was, a female, Stephanie and, a male, Justin. I was told, as that little
I always knew that I was a girl. Mainly because everyone was always telling me that. I never truly got what the difference between what made a guy and guy and what made a girl and girl until sex education in the fifth grade, which is a terrible thing to learn about that young. But, my first memory of the fact that I was female and that truly made a difference was when I was in the second grade. I was in a Christian school at the time and I was the top seller during one of our events we were doing. For being the top seller, I got to ride in a limonene and bring two of my friends along. Of course, I wanted to bring my two best friends along which was, a female, Stephanie and, a male, Justin. I was told, as that little