Joel Farson
English 2 [5045]
30 June 2016
The Masculine Mind
Masculinity and femininity are defined for the most part as attributes of our evolutionary behaviors and rolls generally associated with their respected genders. Consider masculinity in our evolutionary past and alpha male thousands of years ago would have characteristics that would have been his physical products his ability to kill things, killing animals, killing people, dragging dinner home for the village this is survival were talking about. In the last few centuries masculinity has been expressed more in the mental capacity rather than physical power or masculine men hasn't been terribly relevant unless you’re an athlete or something like that. Nowadays masculinity …show more content…
A point that I would like you to consider is that the term masculine minded and alpha male are synonymous in my talk I don’t differentiate between alpha male and masculine minded men to be ready to rule and kings with no countries. Now lets focus on the nature of the beast note also that I deliberately used in elegant terms like masculine minded and the feminine mind or masculine minded people I’m emphasizing the mind and I’m using what ever word that’s that work best.
Let’s begin by comparing the masculine mind to the feminine mind. The masculine mind is creative masculine minded people are model building problem solving artistic inventive music art literature beauty dance fashion everything. Masculinity is the source of everything from the wheel to good jokes to guitar solos to all of the technological achievements of western modernity. The feminine mind on the other hand is manipulative feminine people are strategist involved in a constant seemingly obsessive compulsive panic similar to flight or fight survival, brainstorming ways to obtain control and steel that which was created by masculine minded people. Feminine minded people have never produced a thing. Masculine minded people are optimistic and open minded masculine …show more content…
Misconceptions regarding masculinity and femininity notice the use of terms masculine minded and feminine minded people and not men or women or male and female this is becaouse masculinity and femeninty are not exclusive to their respective genders while it is safe to say that nearly all women are feminine minded it is entirely possible for them to be masculine minded admittedly I have very few examples but Iran does come to mind other famous people debatable Oprah Winfrey debatable Martha Stewart Hillary Clinton no way an absolute Condoleezza rice politics aside I know a couple of women in my life but their very few and far between here I'm guessing less than a percent of women maybe even less than half a percent are actually masculine mind who knows this is why where victims ironically most men are feminine minded as well masculine minded people therefore are the ultimate minority's a small faction of wash in the sea of feminine minded men and women or beta or beeches as I like to call them in fact masculine minded people are the most valuable people on planet earth without them nothing can or will ever happen it's also important to note that masculine minded women do not necessarily exhibit masculine qualities and feminine minded men do not necessarily exhibit feminine qualities ok Karen strong she has short hair she is not very prissy which is not a bad thing and some people would say okay she masculine minded and therefore that accompanies a lack of feminine traits but