
Gender Differences In Gang Life

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Gang life is brutal, harsh, and overwhelming. It is a terrible life to live but yet as we saw in the video, so many individuals choose to take that path of living. I will never understand why MS13 has grown so big, the members who join know the way the gang operates. I would never think that this life would sound appealing to anyone because it is definitely not a life you want to be stuck in forever. I feel bad for the MS13 members that may want to change their lives around but cannot because once they join, they cannot leave. Gang life is dangerous and I would do anything to help members rethink their ways and stop them from continuing the gang life. Not only is gang life dangerous for those who join gangs but it is dangerous to any innocent that is within the vicinity of the territory …show more content…

For the women involved with the gang life I feel very sorry for because I could never imagine a women being involved with a group of individuals so violent. When we think of gangs we mostly think of men in gangs but nobody ever thinks about the women who are affiliated with these gangs. The women in these gangs are just as important as the men however, I think that it is much more shocking to see women involved with the gang life. Even if the women never kill people or rival gang members, they are still associating with the gang. For the seventeen year-old who was killed by a member of the gang while she was pregnant, I feel so bad for her. She wanted to change her life around, even her killer said that. Her killer admitted that she was a nice young lady and wanted to do good. Due to the fact that she had chosen to tell law enforcement all of the valuable information was a very courageous thing to do even though she knew that she was in danger. Every aspect of the gang life is dangerous and it really should never be handed down to the younger

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