transgender will be prohibited from using restrooms that associate with their gender identity.
While many support the idea that the “bathroom bill” prevents people from the harm of sexual violence and sexual assaults committed in bathroom; however, many disagree and claim that the bill promotes discrimination against transgender …show more content…
people. Gender stereotypes negatively impact both genders in many aspects of life. Gender stereotypes deceive people into making false assumptions by generalizing about the roles of each gender attributes, and thus, hinders individual’s abilities and opportunities to learn and to develop. Gender discrimination has been recognized as part of many non-western cultures. In many Asian countries, females are not expected to go to work, and a majority of them is still experiencing domestic violence from their intimate partners. Throughout the history, activists have taken numerous actions to fight against gender discrimination and stereotyping. The Women’s Rights movement successfully marked when women officially gained their citizenship in United States in 1848. In 1920, women won the right to vote, which later became the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Recently, Women’s March, a worldwide protest that emphasis on advocating women’s rights and other human rights, has remarkably attracts media and public attention. In the end, these significant events have proven how gender stereotypes have become major concern that receives close attention. Classifying gender as binary has resulted in gender stereotypes and discrimination. In order to get rid of the gender stereotypes that are harmful to the society, people need to be more open-minded and be willing to perceive gender classification in a different perspective. Most of the time, children are raised in societies where there is either black or white perspectives on gender, and they are expected to adhere to the rigid gender roles that have been formed and shaped by the society. Media and industry market target specifically at boys and girls using gender advertising and gender-specific products. For instance, toys companies will take advantage of the use of pink and blue color wrapping paper to attract and manipulate children’s perception on their preference of
toys. Further, girls are expected to play with dolls, make-up toys, and kitchen sets, while boys are expected to play with toys car, robots, and airplanes. As media and society significantly impact children’s perspectives on genders and gender role, every child grows to adulthood and sees genders as a binary classification. Children should be educated of the transgender community (LGBT) and be more aware of other existing gender identity that does not fit in the stereotypes. Children should understand that it is completely normal that female are not “feminine”, and male are not “masculine”, and that they do not have to behave in any certain ways that is socially accepted. Most importantly, children should learn that it is not right to judge, make assumptions, and discriminate against people regarding of their genders and their sexual orientation. Everyone need to be more open-minded, respect and appreciate the differences of the world.