-Vinni Aggarwal
We have seen enough instances in our life of gender inequality to know that the problem of gender equality still prevails in our society. For those of you who believe that we live in the twenty freaking first century and have already gotten over that problem (come on, nowadays women are a country's prime minister) are in a great denial. I have many examples to prove the people who want to prove me wrong, wrong. But right now I just want to ask you people some fairly simple questions- why is it that after so much development when we have moved so ahead and left so much behind so we still look at a women wearing short clothes with demeaning eyes? Why is it that women are still getting blamed for being raped? Why is it that female actor as good as males are still paid less? Why is any female sport not as famous as male sport? Why are women still seen as what our ancestors say 'ghar ki laxmi' and not allowed to work? The ugly truth behind all these questions is that 'GENDER INEQUALITY' still prevails in our society. We can't put the blame of it on anybody else because it is a curse we all have ourselves put on our society, on this world.
Gender inequality is not a minor problem because with it arises many major problems such as feminisation of poverty, female homicide and female foeticide to name a few.
Many campaigns to stop gender inequality have started and come to an abrupt stop due to lack of any support but the recent campaign started by UN WOMEN is not one of them.
Due to its growing popularity and well we all should already be supporting it is one of the reasons I want to discuss it.
It’s been four months since UN WOMEN launched the
'HeForShe' campaign. For those of you who do not know what this campaign is all about I request you to please go to
YouTube and watch Emma Watson's really famous speech for launching the campaign. Yes I am talking about Emma
Watson, the Harry Potter girl. Well she is the UN WOMEN