CJ246: Human Relations in a Diverse Society
Prof: Charles Quixley
George Johnson
In our society today women that are employed alongside men. These positions were at one point in history exclusive only to men. In more recent time women that have chosen to go into Law enforcement have there difficulties. Issues that range from sexual harassment to lower wages because they are viewed as the weaker gender or not qualified to perform the duties and job that a man can. The other issues that women face is something called the glass ceiling that does exist for them. There are many prominent women with more qualifications than their male counterpart’s women have faced this problem time and time again. Women in the field of criminal justice have only been subject to only administrative task while wanting to move up in a higher rank of position. Over time this has brought about what is called a double-standard meaning that the male gender operates by different rules.
Women in the early part of American history had to fight things such as this in order to be viewed as equal and accepted among the male counterpart. In the 1840s six prison matrons were appointed to keep watch over women prisoners or inmates. These changes came about gradually over time and across the country. During this period in history women started to gain more and more responsibility and they were entrusted by men that worked in Law enforcement. Although still limited they still could not be allowed to carry firearms or be given the power to arrest someone. To see women doing the tough job or the masculine work this was not accepted during this time women were suppose to be in the kitchen and taking care of the kids. As time progressed more and more women entered