Statement of authorship
Student’s name: ___________________________________________ Class: _____________ Student Number______________________________ Subject: EAP Writing Lecturer: ________________________________________ Name of research paper: ____________________________________________________ |
Declaration I declare that the work attached is entirely my own, and that I have given due acknowledgement as required by the Foundation Studies Department. I understand that the work submitted may be reproduced and/ or communicated for the purposes of detecting plagiarism. Signed__________________ Date: _____________________ |
Plagiarism By signing the declaration, you are stating that you have not plagiarized. Use the following as a checklist. This work is entirely my own. I have not copied another student’s work. I have not copied or used in any way material from a text, journal, website or other published source without acknowledgement (including non – English sources) I have cited and referenced fully and correctly as required by the Foundation Studies Department where applicable. I have not reworded material from another source and presented it as my own. I have not used this work in a previous class (self – plagiarism). | HANOI UNIVERSITYFOUNDATION STUDIES DEPARTMENT----------oOo----------GENDER INEQUALITYIN EUROPETeacher: Nguyen Thi Phuong LeStudent: Tran Cong NguyenClass: 3Q12Course: EAP WritingDate: March 13, 2013 |
The gender inequality is commonly recognized
References: Bakalar, N. 2009, A Customer Bias in Favor of White Men, New York Times, June 23, 2009, page D6, viewed 5 March 2013, Jones, N. Holmes, R. and Espey, J. 2008, Gender and the MDGs: A gender lens is vital for pro-poor results, publisher: London: Overseas Development Institute. Jones, N. Holmes, R. 2010, Gender, politics and social protection, London: Overseas Development Institute. Silver, H. 1994, Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity, International Labor Review vol. 133, nos. 5/6 p. 531. Thane, P. 2010, Unequal Britain: equalities in Britain since 1945, March 2010, viewed 5 March 2013, Wood, Julia. Gendered Lives. 6th. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2005. Yerkes Researchers Find Sex Differences in Monkey Toy Preferences Similar to Humans, 2008, viewed 5 March 2013,