United states is considered to be the most developed country in the world. Some may say that current United states is equal in terms of gender. I totally disagree with them because if we see deeply we'll find out women are still far behind politically and economically. We will also find out the minorities or the immigrant women are more discriminated in every Sphere of life.
If we look at the political situation of USA, we will easily find that the women are far more behind in terms of representing the political institution then the men. We haven't yet seen a female president in United states where other countries like Bangladesh considered to be less modern then USA has female presidents. There are several factors which are holding women progress in American politics. " The factors such as candidate availability, elite support of the candidates, and campaign financing are affecting female electability"(Gaddie and Bullock,2 ).
The men are financially more solvent then the women because they were holding all the big resources and it's hard for the women to take share of it. So buying a nomination from the parties is really easy for the men. On the other hand most of the women are not financially as strong as the men because they been pushed to be inside the home before. So it's naturally hard for the women to beat a men in the run of campaign financing. Moreover the men ruled society gives the women the major role of taking care of the house and kids . After taking care of family, it's hard for the women to take part in the elections and social works. So most of the women sacrifices the political participation because of their family. The men are the owner of big corporations and they have more affiliations with the elites, in one word men are the elites. So the men are getting elite support for the election campaign.