Professor Qayyum Bhatti
Research Methodology
6 January 2013
Gender Issues In Aeschylus Trilogy ABSTRACT
Throughout human history gender issues have remained a common and important topic of debate.Gender conflict has played very crucial role in the history and destiny of mankind.This essay analyzes the conflicting issues between genders in Aeschylus trilogy Orestia i-e man woman relationship,women status,their efforts for identity and patriarchical system in Greece,gods and goddeses,conflict between husband and wife,clash of male and female values,rivalry between male and female deities,misunderstanding between sexes and gender roles.
Keywords : Gender, issues, conflicts.
Undisputedly gender issues have remained the main concern in the history of mankind and writers from Aeschylus to present day ones have discussed these issues in detail in their writings.From the temptation of Adam by Eve till today gender conflicts have dominated the other prevailing issues of the world.In his trilogy Orestia, Aeschylus reflects very skillfully on conflicts between genders.In Greece there was patriarchical system.Male were considered superior to females.Females had no rights and were subjugated by male members of the society.The ultimate decisions were taken by males.In Greek Age females had no identity, no power and were mostly treated as slaves.Due to clash of genders horrible acts as matricide and killing of husband are committed.
Gender Related Issues in Aeschylian Trilogy
Throughout Agamemnon,the first play of Trilogy women are perceived as ignorant.passive trouble makers.When Helen is referred to by the Chorus or Agamemnon,she is deemed promiscuous.Despite the historical fact that Paris stole Helen from king Menelaus,both
Agamemnon and Chorus accuse Helen of causing the war against Troy.In Trilogy gods and goddesses are at a conflict with each other.Zeus (a male god representing