Female, male and the "others", those things come to mind of most people when they hear word gender. A lot of people do not really know what gender is and how many meanings of word gender you actually can find. There is few regular gender categories and meaning of words that people should know about, for example: Gender expression-(Describe gender’s of one by theirs social behavior, dress, demeanor and others factors) or Gender Identity – (How one identity themselves and they’s gender.) There is a lot of different people in our society and each of them can choose what or who they will be. But a very important part of gender question is how many myths there are about gender and LGBT+ community.
Gender is about how you feel in your head and what do you feel as. It is not about what society want you to be or what your family say you are. Just because the most ordinary way to be is to be man or woman do not mean you have to choose between them. A lot of people think that there are only two ways, to be a masculine man or a feminine woman. But you can actually choose what you want to be and go between or not going this way at all. The answer is your gender identity. …show more content…
The sexual orientation has nothing to do with your gender or your masculinity.
People who are not absorbed in the LGBT+ community do not really know all the difference between different groups in this community. A lot of them listen to what society says and follow stereotypes about the LGBT+ community. Sexual attraction is about who you are emotionally attracted to and it has nothing to do what your gender is. Masculinity and femininity are things that you can choose and things that you can express. You do not have to be masculine just because you are man and be feminine because you are a
People say that there is difference between female and male brain. That is a big myth because there is no difference between those two. It does not matter if you are a woman, a man or identify yourself as something else, our gender identity has nothing to do with your brain and difference between brains are lies. A lot of different studies shows that both female/ male brains looks almost the same. Sharon Bella who wrote an article for ” Stat” describe studies from ” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” that show differences between female and male brains says that there is no difference between them and everyone’s brain is probably a mosaic of ” male” and ” female” gens. Although another studies actually show few differences between our brains in very young age, additionally at the age of 17 female and male brains start to get really similar.
All the studies and different articles shows both differences and similarities about gender and our brains, but the most important thing is what people believe in. At the end of the day the important thing is that everyone accept each other and respect everyone. It does not matter what your sexual orientation is or how do you identify yourself. Each and everyone of us should be able to be who we want to be and do not be scary of showing who we really are. If we all gonna fallow those things the world will be much better place.