While this may seem a step in the right direction, all of the disney princesses have altered clothes that make them seem like objects, not humans to be admired. In Mulan’s case, she is dressed in an imperial kimono, with a bejeweled obi and flowing sparking skirt. She embodies a perfect chinese princess - exactly what she was not intended to be. Mulan centers around the titular character trying to empower women through casting aside traditional female roles. The first scene and song “Reflections” entails how Mulan despises fancy dresses and arranged marriages. This new design overturns all her character development, showing that Mulan cannot be a princess without the proper princess attire. The new designers lighten Jasmine's and Pocahontas’s skin, utilizing white highlights, making Tiana the only true dark skinned princess. Surrounded by light skinned princesses, a dark-skinned child would feel left out, her dream of being a princess far out of reach. Despite the alleged growth in America’s policy toward diversity, Disney seems to have been left behind, still setting for the same explicit message of light over dark…
In many cultures, men are higher than women when it comes to status and the roles of men and women are alike. For example, men are the providers, the head of the household or the family while women are the mothers, the caregivers, the cooks, the cleaners and they are behind their husband. A double standard is enforced in many cultures and that is due to Religion. Religion has a very relevant role in society and certain gender roles are justified through religion. Religion itself is a paradigm that influences the gender roles in many cultures and our society. Whether it is Christianity. Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism; there are specific roles for men and women that influence the way men and women are supposed to act.…
During the beginning of Mulan, Mulan has to dress up and be ready to visit the matchmaker. The matchmaker grants all Chinese girls "honor" by leading them to their future husbands. There are plenty of examples of both gender parody and bodily performance in this scene. As Mulan enters to town, she is instantly cleaned up and made ready for the important meeting with the matchmaker. In this scene Mulan's mother and another women are helping her get…
3. The gender portrayals in Disney films have gotten worse over time. In every Disney movie females are portrayed as skinny, big breasted, “weak” women compared to male characters that are stereotyped as the saviors, extremely muscular and strong. We see movies like, Malian, which demonstrates a strong leading female character, but it is at the expense of others things, for example, the oppression in China that is shown in Malian.…
However, the man giving the scroll to Mulan’s father yells at her saying that she is being completely disrespectful, and should know when and how to speak in the presence of a man. Mulan’s father is greatly disappointed in her, telling her that she has brought dishonor to his name. In this article “Review: The Emperor's Old Groove: Decolonizing Disney's Magic Kingdom,” by Brenda Ayres, she describes how most of the Disney movies have some sort of underlying message to them. Many of these movies depict how woman should act or show the difference in social classes. Many critics who have watched most of the Disney princess movies “promotes any source of female empowerment as evil, and concludes by naming recent animated films such as Aladdin, Mulan and Pocahontas as sexist and xenophobic, declaring that the purpose of the Disney apparatus is that of swaying children to conform to Victorian Western notions of gender behavior. Confusing the readers by oscillating between reiterating the charges that she has already made [urges society] to remember that no man or corporation can depict a morality that is politically correct and acceptable to all of [society]” (194). This demonstrates how Mulan has no right to talk back to the men who have a higher standing than women. Men are superior over women, and they feel great dishonor when they…
Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American poet once wrote “the value of a dollar is social, as it is created by society.” Throughout time society has become a “parent” to the many people. Society is the most influential aspect of life in today’s world. Many factors influence a person’s life, such as the media, work and school. Going back to Emerson, people have taken the place of the dollar in his quote. An individual is no longer valued by what he thinks of himself, he is valued by what society thinks of him. What does this mean? In order to be accepted in society there are “social norms” that one has to follow. If one does not live by these norms, then you are be ridiculed and you become the outsider for this.…
Today’s society many of us will see how gender becomes an issue. Women and men are put into a box of stereotypes causing everyone to wonder. Women have had a lasting effect on this, being view as only defenseless women and also race can be a problem. Men are also put in a box but women to this day are still thrown back in there.…
Biology alone determines whether a person is female or male, not culture, but cultural myths outline the roles women and men play in society. These cultural myths constitute to the lack of differentiation between sex and gender, imposing the idea of nature versus nurture. While one is born either female or male due to biology, one’s culture ultimately makes one into a woman or a man. Society has predisposed images of what it means to be feminine or masculine. These gender roles limit the individual’s potential, making humans into performers that must conform to their “appropriate” roles. Being a man should not rely on appearing dominant, aggressive, or never admitting to weaknesses, nor should a woman’s life depend on her reproductiveness…
Traditional gender roles have existed for many centuries. Throughout the history of humanity among various cultures and eras, there are pieces of evidence and traces of unfair treatment of women. Women have a role of a wife waiting for her husband to return from the war, a mother of the conquering hero or a great scientist, or a daughter who is destined to marry the prince of another country in order to consolidate the alliance between the two countries. Life of a woman was determined by the man, whether it be her father, husband or son. It is not surprising that such a position in society led women to fight. Starting with the suffragettes and finishing with the third wave, feminism has become an integral part of the society. Women opened…
Honor has always been a central aspect of one’s identity. People go great lengths to keep and prove their honor. Honor is a popular topic that is regularly seen throughout literature, but what exactly is honor? Honor today is seen as one’s integrity and protecting one’s values and beliefs. But it has not always been that way.…
To me, gender has always been the basic distinction between men and women. It signifies the difference between the way men and women lead their lives, how and with which gender they identify themselves. What this means to me, is that people divide themselves into two groups and identify themselves with the social attributes and gender roles associated with those genders. Gender is not simply the natural physiological distinction, it is also the construct into which people try to fit and identify with.…
Emigrating here from a different country you would think that respect is definitely an aspect that remains the same throughout the whole world, but not necessarily so. Respect in the United States is virtually nonexistent, particularly the respect that children have towards their parents. That’s something I really can’t wrap my head around, coming from a southeast Asian country. Respect is something that us foreign kids are taught at a very young age, unlike here. Here it seems like even seniors in high school don’t know a single thing about respect whatsoever.…
Gender roles are expectations of how a person should act, dress, and talk based on his or her sex. A majority of people conform to these roles at an early age, and will continue to carry these beliefs, often unconsciously, around with them throughout their lives, and these beliefs can affect people negatively. The message that gender roles send is that in order to be part of society, you must fit into the predisposed mold for your gender, or most importantly, what society deems as acceptable. But at the same time, try to incorporate individuality and establish a sense of self.…
It is important to try to change the ideologies on gender roles as it affects children, especially girls. According to Geopalakrishnan and Persiani-Becker, “Studies have speculated and reported on the effects of the gender inequality, specifically on adolescent girls, which results in a flawed self-image, lack of motivation and drive, and gender stereotyping.” (102). Geopalakrishnan and Persiani-Becker discuss on how children begin to form their ideas on gender well before preadolescence as they begin to understand what it means to be male or female (102). According to Geopalakrishnan and Persiani-Becker, at the preadolescent stage, children begin to develop attitudes towards games for various genders, activities and gendered occupational roles (102). The Disney film, Mulan goes against this stereotype as there was a twist in gender roles. Mulan ended up saving Captain Shang’s life while putting her own life at risk. Geopalakrishman and Persiani-Becker point out how men are stereotyped to fix things while women are to become homemakers (103). Mulan goes against this stereotype as she enlists herself in the army disguised as a boy, learns how to be tough and “fight like a man” and ends up being the sole reason that China won the war with the use of her…
Mulan is a lovable, spirited girl who doesn't fit in with Chinese tradition because she has a bad habit of speaking her mind and following her heart, which gets her into a lot of trouble. Mulan's parents sent her to the matchmaker hoping that she will find a suitable husband, but through several mishaps she fails miserably and is told she will never bring her family honor. She brought dishonor to her family due to her unlady-like behavior and went home crying. As she was walking and happened to look at the lake and shiny tombstone of her ancestors, serving as the mirror, she took time to look at herself at her reflection. She was asking herself when her reflection will show who she is inside. Her views on accepted marriage tradition are different. She is wondering why must she conceal what she thinks, how she feels, must it be a secret forced to hide who she really is. A woman, for her, should be able to speak up and act the way she wants. Not just a follower of her husband but an equal in all undertakings. She realizes that when she is true to herself she breaks her family's heart. She also realizes she can't hide who she is inside. She hopes for a recognition of her true self.…