Class M 2-4:50, Bunche 2170 Professor Elizabeth Marchant Office 2222 Rolfe, W 11-12 Phone 206-8101 Mailbox in 1120 Rolfe
Course Description This comparative survey of cultural expression in Latin America will emphasize works produced or set in late-19th and early-20th centuries. We will consider different Latin American cultural contexts and concentrate on how gender, sexuality, race, and class are absorbed and reflected in literature and film. Emphasis will be placed on how cultural production sustains or interrogates categories used to construct social, political, and cultural hierarchies. Topics of discussion will include authorship and authority, participation in the formation of national cultures, engagement with artistic movements, and strategies of selffiguration. Gender is a core theme in most of these cultural texts, and we will consider the social constructions of gender identity, sexual roles, and erotic desire. This class employs both active and cooperative learning. Students will answer questions, formulate questions of their own, discuss, and explain during class. As a class community, we will participate together in lecture, readings, and discussions. The course will also incorporate an introduction to bibliographic research. All readings and discussions will be in English. Written work will be accepted in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Course Website Course Requirements 1. Attend at all classes. If you will be absent for a class due to an emergency, please notify me in writing. Arriving late or leaving before class is dismissed will be interpreted as a mark of disrespect to the rest of the class. Class attendance is mandatory and missing class will negatively impact your final grade. 2. View the assigned films and read the assigned texts for each week before coming to
Bibliography: due by 5 pm Mar 9 Upload weekly analysis of Stam reading by noon Mar 12 View in class The Gang 's All Here, Scholarly Sources Summaries due by 5 pm Research Project Overview due March 16th (upload by 5 pm) *I, the Worst of All is also available through streaming on Netflix Marchant syllabus WS 123 Winter 2012 3