Old tradition China is ugly; it filled with old customs, old habits, old culture and most importantly old thinking. The old thinking of what women should be like has been set inside our brains by generation and generation of “traditional education”. Women’s participation was mobilized in the society, because they believed that women were only good as “jiating-funv” but nothing else. Remember once my stepfather has told me a joke, which he thinks it is funny/ true about traditional women. Women has small feet, so they can easy run around the house to get housework done, and especially small feet women can get closer to the skin to wash dishes. This often makes me mad about the existence of gender discrimination, I don’t believe that there is anything men or women should or should not do. Housework is not only women’s job; it belongs to the whole family, so therefore everyone has the equal responsibility to take care of it. There should not be any difference between men and women, nor should there be any status difference between groups of women.
One of the many reasons why women were treated unequal in the old society was due to the old thinking. They believed males are the only ones that can carry on the bloodline of the family. Women have lower statues than men, so therefore they don’t desire education. Other reason that women were treated unequally due to their poor fashion styles. Military jackets were what men and women used to wear, which is a complete covered up from feet to head. Like it described in the reading, women looked much like men during the old period. They worn lose fitting outfits and drab colors. Skirts and dresses were not often worn. Thank goodness to the western culture, which brought in good fashion changes to traditional China. People started to learn how to dress up and look good. Bell-bottom pants, sunglasses, high heels, scarves, V-neck shirt, accessories and makeup have replaced these old styles of military jacket, tied up