Block 3
I. Pre-observations 1. We are fairly familiar with the topic of gender issues in the classroom through the readings in the textbook as well as the assignments on the gender roles in Disney movies as well as going to the mall to see how gender oriented everything was. 2. Gender topics a. B- This was how many girls vs. boys called out in class and we thought that it would depend on the ratio of boys vs. girls but more likely the girls b. D- This question was is there a difference in boys vs. girls who raised their hands in class and we though the girls would participate more c. G- We thought for this question that the teachers would call on the students in the back of the room because they are just seen as slackers because they tend to participate less. Just a stereotype d. H- We thought this question the majority of volunteers would be the goofballs/slackers in the back or the front and center kind of kids that sit in the front center e. A- We figured this one was based more on who was quiet and not participating but generally the boys will get called on without volunteering since they are seen as more timid and shy II. Basic Structure 1. There were 24 students in total 2. There were ten boys and fourteen girls in the class 3. There were two teachers, Mr. Perotti was the main teacher and there was an aid whose name I did not catch 4. The class was Global Studies 2 which I knew since I took it the quarter prior with Sweeney 5. Mr. Perotti was clearly in charge of the class as everyone stopped talking whenever he started and he would direct the aid when to speak or give her lecture on the capstone project III. Function 1. The objective of this class was clearly talking about Korea and how it became divided into two separate regions of the north and south. As well as the influence and control of communism. It was also about the final project, the capstone