These fifty six women were or still are members of a female prison and were a part of a face-to-face interview. The author focused specifically on how health care is delivered in these prisons, and to better understand the role gender plays in a prison environment. Gender roles are an important aspect of prisons, specifically how an individual identifies, and how they present themselves in a woman’s prison. The research was formatted to discover the relationship between gender and health care. The focus was on how men and women receive care differently, and what it happens when a woman encounters health care …show more content…
This article was written using evidence and data from Europe prisons. This article observes how the basic needs of some women are overlooked, and there is considerable gender insensitivity and failure to fix this problem. Prisons were built to run with the needs of the majority of prisoners in mind, mainly men. The basis of this article is to recognize the needs of women in European prisons and ensure action is taken. Much of the data comes from the Regional Office on Prison Health, to receive factual evidence for all prisons in