One of the methods the women tried to accomplish was the women rights parade. At that time President W.W. was arriving. During the parade there was huge crowds. Most of them were men. Most of the men were drinking and in disappointment, they through their beer bottles at the women in the parade. As the parade was going on men got furious and started attacking the women, the cops didn't do anything..they didn't care. By the end of the parade there was more than 100 people injured and in the hospital. Another method the women tried to do was picketing the White House. The women picketed from dusk to dawn. The women stayed out through every type of weather
with big signs of quotes by W.W..Alice Paul read every speech of president W.W. and burnt them one by one. Women were attacked after the war started. After many months of picketing the women were arrested from obstructing traffic. When is was time for court the women had a choice of a $10.00 fine or 60 days in jail. The women picked 60 days in jail because they knew that they didn't break one law. The last method the women used to get the vote for women's rights was a hunger strike. When the women were sent to jail ALice Paul created a hunger strike and many girls followed. The women believed that until they provided them better food they would starve themselves. after the women went multiple days without eating they were forced fed which led them to puking and bleeding alot. Alice Paul was wrote a letter as she was in jail and made it get to the newspaper to have people know that they were forced fed and how they were treated in jail.
Those were three details what women had to go through in order for women to have the full right to vote.