Gender Segregation
Gender segregation in our society begins at a very young age and plays a major role in all aspects of our lives. The onset of gender segregation begins from when we are toddlers and plays a role in all aspects of our educational years. Even as we enter the workplace, our gender dictates some of our career choices. It sets the standard for salary, job titles, and certain levels of success. Some of the barriers have come down allowing people to cross the terrain of gendered work, but there are many more hurdles to cross. The culmination of biological, sociological, political, and religious factors all seem to play a role in the cause and effect of gender segregation. In the book, Best Friends, Worst Enemies: Understanding the Social Lives of Children, the authors go on to say, based on research by Eleanor E. Maccoby that kids are more compatible with peers of the same sex. They gravitate to each other from early ages and their bonds strengthen as they get older. Their different behaviors seem to reinforce the segregation process (160). For example; boys will be more physical in their daily activities whether it is in sports or some other type of activity and girls will concentrate more on relationships. Boys play differently than girls and this reinforces the segregation process. They tend to be more rough and tough and girls seem to be gentler in nature. Gender plays a major role in our lives. From early on it influences our ability to establish and maintain friendships as well as relationships. Our gender also dictates what social interactions and activities are permissible within and outside
our gender group. As we age the rules may change but the premise remains the same. Gender lines can be crossed but not in all areas. Some of the rules may change by adolescence, but the changes don’t lead to total equality among the sexes. We all possess innate tendencies that allow us to cross the gender line to establish new relationships while
Cited: Thompson, Michael; Grace, Catherine O’Neill; Cohen, Lawrence J. Best Friends, Worst Enemies Understanding The Social Lives of Children. Westminster, MD, USA: Ballantine Publishing group. 2001
Reskin, Barbara F
Al-Jenaibi, Badreya. “Differences Between Gender Treatments in the Work Force” Cross-Cultural Communication Vol. 6, No. 2, 2010, pp. 63-74
Mastekaasa, Arne and Smeby, Jens-Christian
Hoffmann, Melissa L. and Powlishta, Kimberly K. “Gender Segregation in Childhood: A Test of the Interaction Style Theory” The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 2001, 162(3), pp. 298-313
Strough, JoNell and Covatto, Ann Marie