Introduction Women in the workplace are still in a constant struggle for equality with men. Women are consistently being denied jobs over men with the same credentials, succumbed to sexual harassment or not on the same pay grade as men of their equals. Women can be stereotyped in various ways such as too sensitive, solely family-oriented, emotional or even bitchy. In our group’s survey we focused on women’s assertiveness and efficiency, how many people have had women supervisors and their feelings about that supervisor’s performance as a leader. The study of gender stereotypes in the workplace is very important because it will eventually affect most people whether they be a female trying to maintain a managerial position in a “man’s world” or a male witnessing females being stereotyped by others.
Gender stereotype in the workplace is a very common topic that stirs up many different emotions and opinions. A majority of our research prior to our own survey was done in the 1980-2000’s. Times have changed since then between gender roles so our group decided to have a large span of ages in our survey from 18-54+. Our goal was to see the differences between the views of older people versus younger people in terms of gender