the movie. Even after getting raped he held himself together and didn’t actually let out his emotions until he was alone in the bathroom and it was only for a second. “Boys don’t cry” is in a sense Brandon’s motto. He takes all the challenges thrown at him as a transgender all the way up until his murder. He is strong and even though he has committed crimes in the past he is emotionally innocent and doesn’t do anything to hurt anybody. He can’t show emotion because he will feel like less of a man. Halberstam argues that his love and relationship with Lana gives him the support to be his true self. Halberstam states, “Brandon can be Brandon can be Brandon because Lana is willing to see him as he sees himself,” (Halberstam 89). Lana accepts Brandon and treats him like who he is. Even after it is made clear to her that he is actually a woman. She tells him, “…I don’t care if you’re half monkey or half ape”.
the movie. Even after getting raped he held himself together and didn’t actually let out his emotions until he was alone in the bathroom and it was only for a second. “Boys don’t cry” is in a sense Brandon’s motto. He takes all the challenges thrown at him as a transgender all the way up until his murder. He is strong and even though he has committed crimes in the past he is emotionally innocent and doesn’t do anything to hurt anybody. He can’t show emotion because he will feel like less of a man. Halberstam argues that his love and relationship with Lana gives him the support to be his true self. Halberstam states, “Brandon can be Brandon can be Brandon because Lana is willing to see him as he sees himself,” (Halberstam 89). Lana accepts Brandon and treats him like who he is. Even after it is made clear to her that he is actually a woman. She tells him, “…I don’t care if you’re half monkey or half ape”.