The film “Big Hero 6” is atypical to gender stereotypes. This is demonstrated numerous times in the movie through the characters and also by just looking at the cast. The cast has six hero’s and two of them are girls which is atypical women are weaker than men. Several main characters in this movie are women. Aunt Cass is Hiro and Tadashi’s guardian who is also single mother and a business owner. The female heroes Gogo and honey lemon are …show more content…
Just by looking at their cast we tell women are a minority ( 2 women 4 men). Upon further examining we can evidently reveal that even though there might be 2 women heroes in the men dominated hero team the main plot of the movie is revolved against a main villain who again is a male. Even though women might gain some equality the world will still be dominated by males. In other words, don’t let Disney fool you with their monstrous tactics always remember there are two sides to a story and a billion dollar company doesn’t change their vison