An example of toxic masculinity that was brought up a lot within the film, is the word bro code. This is something that most people are very well aware of. Some …show more content…
even take seriously. This theory is very sexist and all the rules that follow with the bro code belittle women and show how men are capable of treating women like an object. Social construction theory was also showed in this film. Men think they need to hide emotions and become dominate in every situation which is leading to violence between men. Men believe they need to be strong, they need to fight and they need to show dominance, not only to their own genders but now to women as well. Toxic masculinity and violent masculinity were also used throughout the video to show men fighting and what happens when one man thinks he is better than another. The toxicity of the men’s violence feeds off of each other and creates a violent outbreak.
Masculine traits include courage, independence and assertiveness.
These traits vary by location and context, and are influenced by social and cultural factors. It is important that we understand that behind the bravado and the tough guy posturing, there is human complexity in each man and boy: for some men and boys, the abuse they suffered as children; others their problems in relationships or their fears and vulnerabilities are stuck behind the stereotype they think they should be. Behind the guise is the real boy and man, the results of a sensitive, caring emotion filled man. Boys and men at a very early aged are taught to be tough, and told to “be a man”. Fathers, family members and TV shows are telling boys what they need to be at an early age. Making it hard for us to see behind the guise. “Many cultural analysts would argue that if you want to understand the meaning of something in society, look at its representation in the media”. Men are shown as something they are not able to uphold. Men are expected to be tough and strong throughout the media. Men think that women need strong, emotionless men to provide for them. I believe women, society and social media will not let men let go of this ego they are suppose to uphold. Women make it hard for us to examine mas because they like what they see in magazines and movies, This is all shown throughout the media and does not help us examine