However, these standards and expectations are unfair to men. We, as a society, need to challenge what we consider manhood. There is nothing wrong with a man expressing his feelings in front of a woman or struggling with a situation. He should not have to apologize to others for crying nor be given congratulations for not crying in a despairing moment. Furthermore, young boys should be taught that it is acceptable to express their thoughts and emotions. There is no need to “build them up as men” by scolding them for expressing their feelings. We are all humans with the ability to feel emotions, so why should we place limitations on certain genders? …show more content…
The “Man Box” determined that women are property, objects, and have less value than men, which resulted in violence against women. As a woman, it is very upsetting to be considered nothing more than a piece of property by certain men. I am my own person with my own goals and ambitions, just like any man. In addition, this violence against women has resulted in legitimate fears and concerns for women all over the world. It is no longer safe for a woman to walk alone in the dark to her car or become separated from her group of friends at an event, I can see why it would destroy a man to be considered a girl because then he would have to live with the same fears we have endured our entire