Upon making and completing my Geneogram, the first thing that I got to realize is that I am really lucky with my family. We might not have a lot of professionals just like other families but no one in our family, whether mother or father side has any mental issues or any addictions to anything. Also, there are no bitter misunderstanding within our family that might have resulted to any conflicts.
Another common pattern that I saw is the common profession in our family. It is either engineering or nursing. This might explain as to why I chose engineering as a profession. It is visible that It is the common profession being practiced in our family.
Another significant pattern that is visible is the number of children each of my Tito/Tita have. No one from any of my Tito/Tita has a number of children greater than three. This might explain why my mother and father only had two children of their own. Also, another pattern that is visible is the age in which my cousins had children. My geneogram results shows that no one from my cousins became a parent before the reach 25. This might also in a way explain as to why I still don’t have children of my own today. THINGS TO HEAL / CHANGE IN MY GENEOGRAM PATTERNS Even though my geneogram is quite a normal, good geneogram of a normal family, there is one area of improvement that I saw. There might be little areas to heal or I wanted to change. That area is that we do not have a pattern our family that has a leadership or entrepreneurial background. Most of my family’s pattern shows that most of us became professionals. That might not be a bad thing for others, but it might be for me because I wanted to have my own business someday and if I were to look at my family’s geneogram there is no significant pattern that shows me that there is a leadership or entrepreneurial pattern. So I cannot get the said skill anywhere within my family. But