Name: ________________________________
Student Number: ________________________
Directions: Answer the questions below. Use full sentences when applicable.
Give two examples of each of the following elements of fiction and nonfiction from the texts you’ve read in Units 1, 2, and 3.
Characters:Fiction: James the teenager, Peggy the librarian and Astoria, Darla the one who placed the books on the shelves..
Non-Fiction: Desiderata by Elizabeth McCracken
Plot:Fiction: Peggy and James fell in lthat ove
Non- Fiction: One would think the narrator is in a quiet place writing and notating about her family history.
Conflict:Fiction: James is searching to find a book about tall people as Peggy works with him by helping him to find some book. But she hesitant because the books she finds or about giants and knows how he feel, so she does not want the hurt his feeling i n any way.
Non-Fiction: The is a conflict because all the document as well as letter at her hands that she has are not completed, however the narrator defines Desiderata as something needed , wanted or really craved explains her feeling about her family history.
Setting:Fiction: In the year of 1955, in a small town library.
Non- Fiction: The narrator home, in the car with her father.
Point of View:
Fiction: Peggy who was the narrator, she feels that James is in an emotional state of mind and she is very mindful of what she says to him.
Non- Fiction: The author’s involves her personal experience concerning her family history.Theme: Fiction: The difficulties of being out cast with disabilities. A very important message about behavior and human life.
Non-Fiction: The theme is about living a wonderful lil
Tone:Fiction: Beginning with the narrator the tone placidly, sometimes flat and lacking humor.
Non-fiction: Deliver pleasant musical sound that assured many of the people who listen.
Perspective:Fiction: Romance
Nonfiction: Keeping the peace within one self.Bias: