The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) originated on July 29, 2002 due to fraudulent bookkeeping practices and misleading financial reports from large corporations. These practices created a number of accounting scandals, which resulted in this in the government creating such an act. The purpose was to prevent and punish corporate corruption and, along the way, try to repair investor confidence. The law was passed by congress after well-known companies (Enron, Peregrine Systems and Tyco International, to name a few) caused great humiliations to its investors, which in result cost them billions of dollars. The share prices of the affected companies collapsed, which shook public confidence in the nation’s securities markets.…
Meyer, Wendel W. “The Conversion of St. Paul.” Anglican Theological Review 85, no. 1 (Winter 2003): 13–17. “One of the most potent influences in the process of Paul's conversion,” Meyer says, “arose from his indefatigable efforts to create and sustain communities of faith.” In this paper, W. Meyer talks about the importance of Paul’s faith and why his conversion matters so much. He focuses on what happened on the road to Damascus and what impact it had on Paul.…
| |For whom was this book written? |For those who know something about Christianity, but want to know more and for the |…
1. Uses and explicates at least six direct quotations from the novel in the body of the essay.…
Replies: You will reply to at least 3 other classmates' threads in 75–150 words. The purpose of these replies is for you to engage in discussion and to interact with classmates over their insights from Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes. It is advantageous to post your replies before the very end of the module/week so that those who desire to reply and engage in discussion may do so. Remember that the extent and quality of your discussion will factor into your grade for each forum. As with the thread, make sure your replies reflect quality writing.…
Meeks, Wayne A. Gen. ed. The HarperCollins Study Bible New Revised Standard Version. New York: HarperOne Inc., 1996.…
Paul the Apostle gave us not only some of the most profound pieces of early Christian theological reflection, but also some of the finest, poignant writing in history. Throughout Paul of Tarsus’ life, he has been able to contribute to the development of Christianity through his heritage, his personal encounter with Jesus and his life as a missionary for Jesus. AD 33, before Paul converted to Christ, Christianity grew only amongst disaffected Jews. A Jew himself, Paul spoke Greek and inherited Roman citizenship. This enabled him to put Jewish ideas into the language of the Gentiles, and because of his efforts, through his missionary journey’s throughout Asia, Macedonia and the West, Christianity grew from its beginnings in Israel to the rest of the Roman Empire.…
Part One of Elmer Towns’ Concise Bible Doctrines introduces Christian theology by outlining the key pieces of the doctrine to help the reader understand Christianity and faith. Towns begins by saying that the main purpose of Bible doctrine is to communicate the gospel to the people at a point of need. Every man has the same need because every man is cut off from God. Man is born with a sin nature, and because he is less than holy, he is isolated and alienated from God. Death is imminent for everyone, but God communicates through the Bible that through Jesus Christ, man can be saved. The word “gospel” means “good news.” It is the responsibility of every Christian to reach out in relationships to the unsaved in sharing this news, and to other Christians in fellowship. Christians are called to seek God, and study the Bible to learn to know Him better, and worship Him always. Proper worship of God requires faith; the source of which is the Bible. Doctrinal faith is the beginning and the test of Christianity. If our statement of faith is wrong, than our faith is misplaced. Our faith must be grounded on correct knowledge of God. However, intellectual knowledge of God is not enough. Emotional expression and volition are equally important. The Holy Spirit acts on behalf of Jesus Christ to plant faith in a Christian’s heart. He indwells us, and helps us exercise our faith daily. We can grow in our faith by studying God’s word, seeking the Lord, confessing sin, actively following biblical principles, and constantly communicating with God. Faith is ultimately a reliance and trust of God, and the Bible teaches us to rely on Him for everything.…
In addressing one of the issues in the book of Hebrews, The late Dr. Walter Martin, “quipped in his usual tongue-in-cheek manner that the Book of Hebrews was written by a Hebrew to other Hebrews telling the Hebrews to stop acting like Hebrews” (Got Questions Ministries, 2013 p. 1). This may sound funny, but it makes an important point, which is more likely to be remembered by the reader. The focal point of this writing is directed at those Hebrews who had started up the rituals and rites of Judaism because of the persecution which had come against them (Got Questions Ministries, 2013). No doubt the persecution was strong, and many times it seems that Christians (especially young Christians) seek to fall back into some of their old ways, and even more so if it brings any relief to them.…
This text demonstrates the difficulties of holding on to faith in times of adversity. Discuss.…
The apostle Peter wrote a letter to encourage suffering believers to hold onto their hope and to promote Christians ethics. (1Peter 1:1) Then later Peter wrote a second letter discussing the church two main problems, which were persecution and false teachers who were causing people to lose their faith. (2Peter 1:1) False teachers were saying that self-control was not needed because deeds do not help the believers anyway. Peter continued to encourage believers to remain strong in their faith, by condemning the false teachers and defending the Parousia doctrine and difficulties of the last days. (…
9 Ross, Dan. Acts of Faith. New York: St. Martin 's Press, 1982. pp. 120-140…
In this essay, I would like to relate Christine de Pizan’s and Martin Luther’s idea of faith with the use of good works to the question of individuality. For Christine, faith through good works is essential in shaping one’s individuality; as for Luther, faith alone, is used to define one as a Christian. By defining individuality as the unique journey taken to discovery of one’s worth as a Christian, faith provides a central point of conversion to direct one’s actions toward his or her newly converted identity. The motivation to practice good faith and good works establishes and reorganizes one’s self-identity in society of the time, and this awareness also creates a guide that sets a basis for divine interaction, which therefore effects how…
The Epistle of Barnabas is a Greek writing containing twenty-one chapters, preserved in complete form in the 4th century Codex Sinaiticus where it appears at the end of the New Testament. It is traditionally ascribed to the Barnabas who is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, although some ascribe it to another apostolic father of the same name, a "Barnabas of Alexandria," or simply to an unknown early Christian teacher. Toward the end of the second century, Clement of Alexandria cites the Epistle. Origen also appeals to it. At some points the Epistle seems quite Pauline, as with its concept of atonement, giving credence to the author being the Barnabas who was a companion of Paul. Eusebius, however, objected to it and the Epistle of Barnabas…
The genre of this book is epistle. The purpose of Hebrews was to show Christians that Jesus Christ was perfect and…