In 1971, General Idi Amin overthrew the elected government official Milton Obote, Furthermore announced himself the President of Uganda. Which resulted in his barbarous eight-year control of Uganda, under his control there were an estimated 300,000 civilians murdered. Amin’s actions ultimately resulted in the country’s economic decline; Idi Amin was never brought to justice for his horrendous crimes; he fled to Saudia Arabia after his …show more content…
When the term assassination is used you usually think of murder for hire. Assassination is the deliberate killing of a person, often a political leader, usually for political reasons. Assassination has been used in the political arena for centuries; however it is not considered assassination when the countries are at war with each other. Do we really want to make assassination legal? Using assassination as a political tool would mean that if someone does not agree with a political leader’s political view, whether that political leader is foreign or domestic, that political leader would be a target of assassination. There are numerous conspiracy theories that suggest that a political leader such has John F. Kennedy was assassinated by his own country because of his political