War Fighting Functions
General Petraeus was in charge of mission command war fighting functions while commanding in Mosul, Iraq. These war fighting functions encompassed movement and maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment and protect. The mission took a turn and revolved around rebuilding Iraqi society. The strategy to rebuild Iraq had three goals: provide a secure environment, restore basic life services, and facilitate a return to normalcy. General Petraeus clearly …show more content…
Petraeus took responsibility for dealing with the governor and two senior Kurdish leaders. General Petraeus was responsible for providing continuous leadership throughout the operation of mission command. In Mosul, Petraeus made it clear that public safety was a shared responsibility. Not all officers and soldiers were ecstatic about the civilian assignments. General Petraeus was able to provide purpose, motivation, and direction through his leadership style by empathizing to a certain degree to reinforce the mission end state. As a leader, it is also important to be able to ask for feedback, which is what he did with a small group of individuals who he trusted and admired. As a way to keep his commanders on their toes, he would grill them and focused on