Ikea’s Corporate Culture
marketingshift.com, 2011
Definitions of Organisational Culture
“A set of understandings or meanings shared by a group of people that are largely tacit among members and are clearly relevant and distinctive to the particular group which are also passed on to new members .”(Schein, 1998) “The characteristic way of behaving and believing that a group of people in a country or region, firm have evolved over time and share.”(Briscoe and schuler, 2004) “ Collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or people from another.”(Hofstede,1991)
General Presentation of IKEA
IKEA was found by Ingvar Kamprad in 1943 in Almhult, Smaland, Sweden. IKEA concept is focused on producing low price home furnitures. The products are designed, manufactured, transported, sold and assembled. The products are the same designed and sold world wide(one suit all). The concept has roots in swedish, such as informality, cost consciousness, a very humble and down to earth approach. There are more than 300 Stores in 41 countries (2011).
IKEA has more than 127,000 employees (2011). www.IKEA.com Schein 's Iceberg Model
Openlearn.open, 2011
Schein’s Levels of Organisational Culture
In the iceberg model, this is what is visible to everybody but which does not necessarily reveal everything about an organisation’s culture.e.g: Architecture,Logos,Dress code etc.
Espoused Values
These represent the invisible aspect of organisational culture which includes the norms and beliefs that employees express when discussing organisational issues; it can also be represented in mission statements.
Basic Assumptions
These are almost impossible to see on the surface and are hidden beneath artefacts and expressed values – yet these are the most important; and most times they are not taken for granted because they are difficult to understand. Openlearn.open, 2011
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