Psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes. * Science * Attempt to understand people by thinking critically about careful, controlled observations. * Behavior * Refers to all of a person’s overt actions that can be directly observed. * Mental Processes * Refers to the private thoughts, emotions, feelings, and motives that other people can not directly observe.
Goals of Psychology (4) * Describe: Identifying and classifying behaviors and mental processes as accurately as possible. * Understand: Proposing reasons for behaviors/mental processes. * Predict: Offering predictions (or hypotheses) about how a given condition or set of conditions will affect behaviors/mental processes. * Influence: Using the results to solve practical problems that involve behavior/mental processes. Goal | Definition | Examples | Describe | Describe behavior/mental processes as accurately as possible | Calculate average video games for males/females | Understand | Suggest causes for behavior/mental processes of interest. | Propose that males score higher on video games because they practice more than females do. | Predict | Specify conditions under which behavior/mental process is likely to occur. | Hypothesize that males/females will obtain equivalent video game scores if they practice the same amount of time. | Influence | Apply the results of a study to change a condition in order to bring about a desired real-world outcome or to prevent an undesired real-world outcome. | Use the results of video games practices studies to develop games that enhance females’ achievement in math/science. |
Two types of research help psychologists accomplish the four goals
Basic Research * Research conducted to seek new knowledge and to explore and advance general scientific understanding. * Explores such topics as the nature of memory, brain function, motivation and emotional expression.
Applied Research