Agnew’s first strain, states that crime is caused by an individual's inability to achieve a positive goal (Agnew, 1992). This …show more content…
(1997), states that the strain theory can be applied to criminal activity in San Jose, and to better understand why crime continues to increase or decrease. We have concluded that there is a chance that robbery, burglary, larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft increased in 2010 is due to the great recession the country experience between 2007 and 2009. Due to the loss of property, employment and negative strains individuals were facing, could have contributed to the increase of violent and property crimes. There have been many studies that have applied the strain theory to understand crime and why individuals commit the crime (Botchkovar, & Broidy, 2013; Ferguson, Bender, and Thompson, 2016; Johnson, 1997). We can see that crime often occurs when there is a gap between desirable goals, such as money, personal goods, material goals and prestige and people do not have a legitimate way of obtaining these goals.
With the use of Agnew's Strain theory, we understand how a person engages in illegal criminal behaviors, such as robbery, or Larceny-theft to successfully obtain a good. Or how individuals engage in violent behaviors such as rape, aggravated assault, and even murder to pursue their goals and they can vary, from satisfying their sexual desires, gain control of the situation, or try to change the way they view society, by threatening and engaging in violent