The reason why someone would go towards crime could be for revenge against someone, if lost a job the person may turn to using illegal drugs to help them cope with the stresses or the person might turn to stealing. The strain theory can describe three things; what type of strains that may lead to crime, why do the strains cause an increase in crimes, and what would cause a person to turn to crime. Some people can cope with stresses of life, but not everyone. Some examples from class that is used for a general strain theory is not being able to accomplish an economic goal, not being able to accomplish a noneconomic goal, a positive motivation has been removed, and maybe being presented to a negative option thinking at the time it is the only way to help in the situation. Some solutions that might help with controlling the rate of murder in the United States could be controlling what information that the media gives out. The media plays a huge role when it comes to giving the information out to society which then is where the labeling theory comes into play. Society has a problem with believing everything that the media, celebrities, or television shows that depict …show more content…
People just have a hard time when it comes to their emotions and do not think rationally. When asked if they could go back and change their actions most would probably say they wish they could, of course there is always a group of people who are stubborn and would not admit it if they did. This is similar to the social learning theory, as it is learned from family and peers. If maybe society could come together and learn some qualities of a murderer this might help when detecting issues with someone. This would be a great way to help keep children away from people that shows signs of negative behavior. Speaking of behavior people get into trouble when their emotions are involved. People do not think rationally when it comes to making the right choices. So when it becomes clear that someone has bad behavior then he or she should be put into a program that will help them understand their emotions and teach them how to be able to control their behavior. Of course this all sounds easy to do but people choose not to follow the law or to want to help themselves to make better