Many Healthcare also employ an admission packet that consist of policies, a background screening, resident rights, resident contact forms, legal forms, financial forms, insurance forms, resident rights, and the social assessment. The social assessment is used to gather family, experiences, religious preference, potential length of stay, substance abuse, community involvement, and significant things that happened in their life. This assessment serves as a way to help professionals gather many strengths that the resident may have. The MDS 3.0 item listing assessment, version 1.12.0, is also an assessment instrument tool that has a questionnaire on it. It is used during scheduled observations and in interviews. Once interviews are conducted, professionals place the information into an online database. The database organizes, combine, and analyze the data. This process formulates/prescribes a possible plan of …show more content…
Throughout my practice, at Many Healthcare, it has been important to allow practice behaviors and competencies to guide my professional performance for life-time learning. My professional development have been assisted by learning the true meaning of implicating the definition of Generalist Practice to field work. When I first began interning at Many Healthcare I did not understand what generalist Practice meant nor did I know how to apply it to my performance with the elderly population. I had never worked with the elderly before and I was not aware of all of the disabilities, behaviors, and policies that made that particular population oppressed and vulnerable. Throughout my life, I have always desired to help people advance or overcome obstacles in the face of adversity. Although that I am sure that I have been able to do so, Many Healthcare has allowed me to apply my passion in a professional