Generalization and Students with Autism
Huiyen Lo
Middle Tennessee State University
Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.
Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that includes core deficits in three primary areas: languages and communication, social interaction, and repetitive and restrictive interest and behaviors. Today autism is most commonly referred to as an Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this article authors bring up effective strategies for successful generalization in natural environments.
Simpson (2005) and Simpson (2005) categorized treatments for autism in two ways:
1.Treatments was defined as interpersonal, skill based, cognitive, physiological/ biological/neurological. 2. Each treatment was classified as a scientifically based practice. It addresses that a child’s ability not only to learn a behavior but also to generalize and use that behavior or skill with different people and in different environments may be one of the best indicators of the significance of the skill, the quality of the teaching, and broader outcomes for the child. It addresses that generalization is the ability to transfer knowledge and learn skills to new contexts. When a cognitive disability demonstrates that he or she has internalized a skill by applying the skill or using the skill in a different way at a later time, this is true mastery.
Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.
How do I ensure that generalization of skills is being targeted? There are various strategies that should be followed or ensured that generalization is a focus of the program. Such as, teach enough examples, program common stimuli, train loosely, use non-discriminate contingencies and teach self-management technique. I remember five years ago when my child was in the process of
References: American Psychiatric Association,(1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th edition) Baer, D.,Wolf, M.&Risley,T. (1968). Applied Behavior Analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1, 91-97. Christiana Whalen, Ph.D.,BCBA,(2009) Strategies for Successful Generalization in Natural Environments Dr. Chris’ Autism Journal (2009, June 18th). Thoughts, commentary and analysis on computerassisted instruction and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved from Emily Bellovin, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with Scholastic Intervention Solutions. (2011, December 5th)