In the 60’s fashion has some similarities but also many differences to the present. Mini Skirts and dresses and baby doll dresses are still popular in the present, as they were in the 1960’s. Hippie clothing was very popular in the 60’s whereas it isn’t in the present. Smocks are also not so popular in the present, though they were in the 60’s. . The 1960s saw the emergence of unisex clothing such as denim jeans, which could be worn by both sexes and is still worn and popular today. As you can see fashion stays similar over time obviously making some small changes, and will probably keep doing the same in the future.
Technology has definitely improved from the 60’s regarding mobiles, computers and entertainment. In the 60’s you were lucky to have a landline and mobile phones didn’t exist, whereas now most homes have a landline and most teenagers have a mobile phone. TV’s were also rare back then, and they didn’t even have colour .Conversely, now TV’s have colour, some even have high definition and most homes have them. TV and telephones are just small examples of how technology has changed in the last 50 years.
School life was very different from the 60’s to now, 50 years later. In the 60’s corporal punishment, for example the cane, was still used in schools whereas now its not. It was normal for teenagers to drop out of school before finishing year 12 but now most teens are expected to finish school. There was no such thing as traineeships, apprenticeships or work experience on the other hand now it is part of some schools curriculum for students to complete work experience, and many teenagers get apprenticeships or traineeships. In the 60’s girls had to wear skirts whereas now in most schools they have the option of wearing shorts.