Southern Cross Business School
The generation gap and cultural influence: a Taiwan empirical investigation
Huichun Yu Peter Miller
Southern Cross University
Publication details
Post-print of: Yu, HC & Miller, P 2003, 'The generation gap and cultural influence: a Taiwan empirical investigation ', Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, vol.10, no. 3, pp. 23-41. Published version available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13527600310797621
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Post-print of: Yu, HC & Miller, P 2003, 'The generation gap and cultural influence: a Taiwan empirical investigation ', Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, vol.10, no. 3, pp. 23-41.
The authors Hui-Chun, Yu is a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) candidate in the Graduate College of Management of Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia. Dr Peter Miller is a senior lecturer in the School of Social and Workplace Development at Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia. Contact details: Southern Cross University Division of Business PO Box 42 Tweed Heads NSW 2485 Australia Phone Fax +61 7 55 06 9311 +61 7 55 06 9301
Email: fayyu@hotmail.com hyu10@scu.edu.au Email: pmiller@scu.edu.au
The generation gap and cultural influence – A Taiwan empirical investigation Key words: Generation gap, Culture, Work characteristics, X Generation, Baby Boomers, Taiwan, Abstract It is well researched and reported that the culture of a nation has a major impact on employees’ work related values, attitudes and expectations. The objective of this study was to
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