As a 40-something i find the idea of a menu driven benefit package fascinating. At the last hospital i worked at everyone received so "stipend" for health insurance and it was the same for every one if you were single then you had extra left over you could then use it for extra health care related things for example i know a few girls that got Lasik surgery and one that got an exercise bike. However the rest of us with families had to pay in every month. I often wondered why didn't they take the extra money and redistributed it in other ways. A menu driven plane would be a great way of doing that. Also I have friends my age with small children who would like child care assistance. But mine are grown and would not help me. I would like more vacation time or retirement.
I do not like the idea of multiple preceptors. I can handle 2 or 3 but more than that for me is frustrating. Because everyone wants to do things just a little different. But they all want you to do it their way. Also if you are jumping from preceptor to preceptor in my experience no one what you have been trained to do and you always seem to be starting from step one.
Learning to use everyone’s the experience of the baby boomer nurses and the computer tech savvy new nurses. They can learn to complement each other