Cohort 9- Monday
Dr. Mac
Emotional Intelligence, Caring, and Generational Differences in Nursing by Estelle Codier, Michael Freel, Cindy Kamikawa and Penny Morrison (Morrison), came together to gain information regarding the associations between emotional intelligence and age. The article utilized information from one research study, to prove there is a relationship between nursing performance and EI abilities that the nurses have. The group explored generational differences in the workplace also because it has not been widely explored. The study introduced 442 participants from an urban hospital in Nebraska and nurses in and around urban Honolulu. The data from the study included three generations of people; the Baby …show more content…
Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis designed the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI) to assess competencies and positive social behavior. Very little assessments of reliability have been conducted on this theory. Therefore, the scale does not deserve serious consideration until experimental studies are conducted. The second measurement is the Emotional Quotient- Inventory (EQ-I) which was developed by Reuven Bar-On in 2005. EQ-I is a self-report measure that yields an overall Emotional Quotient score on five composite scales: intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, general mood, and stress management. However, each of the five composite scales cannot be conceptually related to EI. Due to this matter, the theory behind this measure is vague. The third type of measurement instrument is the Mayor, Salovey, Caruso, Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). This model measures the ability of EI and shows patterns of correlations that are similar to those of known intelligence. Evidence has been presented and argued convincingly throughout the literature that EI meets the standards for an intelligence test as a result of the criteria of the MSCEIT. The MSCEIT was developed using rigorous test-developed procedures. Compared with ability-based EI measures, self-report measures such as the ECI and the EQ-I are likely to receive less attention than the …show more content…
This allows the leader to use their positive emotions to influence others and facilitate the vision of the organization through job performance. Assisting the nursing manager to increase their emotional skills may help to create a more effective leader, and decrease nursing turnover. I chose both articles related to emotional intelligence in nursing because I feel that it is critical for nurses and others who work in health care to incorporate emotional intelligence in the health care setting. To make an effective leader in nursing it is important that emotional intelligence is utilized so that the leaders’ emotions are understood as well as the subordinates that are working under the leader. Initially, I thought that the articles would be about how nurses interact with patients using emotional intelligence. I was surprised to read that, in fact, the first place emotional intelligence should appear is within the working nursing group. It would be difficult if not near impossible, for a nurse to display emotional intelligence to their patient’s if they could not acknowledge the importance between each