Generational poverty involves special population of poor people. It is cycle of poverty wherein two to three generations were born and lived in poverty. Complex factors are involved that hinders them from striving to attain advantages that other groups may enjoy. People in generation poverty focus on survival and live in the now. They do not plan because they live in the present time and do not plan for the future. They live on day to day survival and live in the moment. Any situation that they are exposed to is met with a reactive mentality. This leads to lack of organization and planning their life and their family’s life for proactive living.
Further, their money is for entertainment and to entertain others. They sometimes create and accomplish short term outcomes for immediate gratification. People become their possession, on the other hand, in middle and upper class, they focus on material security. The middle class plans for the future and the wealth plans for the future and involved themselves into politics.
Due to lack of a good solid education, many people of generational poverty are unable to communicate effectively therefore they become anger. Parents of poverty do not want their children to receive an education, because they might leave home if they are educated. In addition they have a lack of value in education. Poverty learns from poverty whereas they all adopt the poverty norm.
Most parents only have an elementary education and cannot read or do math. They raise their kids not empathizing the importance of an education. Many students do not assign