Continuity and Change Over Time Essay (CCOT)
|Competence |Excellence |
|Points |Points |
|1. Has acceptable thesis. * 1 |Expands beyond core of 1-7 points. 0-2 |
|Addresses the global issues and time period(s) specified. |The basic core score of 7 must be achieved before a |
| |student can earn expanded core points. |
|2. Address ALL parts of the question, 2 | |
|though not necessarily evenly or |Examples: |
|thoroughly. |Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis. |
| | |
|(Addresses most parts of the (1) |Analyzes all issues of the question (as relevant): global context, |
|Question; for example, addresses |chronology, causation, change, continuity, effects, content. |
|change but not continuity. |