
Genesis World View Essay

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Genesis World View Essay
Andrew Rosenbaum
ID # 24845330
Bible 105-001
September 18, 2013
Genesis 1-11 Essay

What does Genesis, chapters one through eleven in particular, teach pertaining to the world? Specifically speaking in regards to the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and civilization. In accordance with all that, how then could this affect your worldview today? What exactly does the bible say? How exactly can it shape the way we see life and are these conclusions about the world we live in today parallel with what the bible states as truth? First of all, when referring to the natural world itself, we’re specifically talking about its fallen state. The world as we know it and as the bible states, “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time” (Gen 6:5), is wicked. See, when I look at the world I see exactly what Genesis 1-3 describes as truth. I see a perfect world that has gone bad. I see the beauty of the formation of this world, the gloriousness of the trees swaying in the wind, the mountain tops overlooking the plains, the waters brushing up against the sand, and the wind whispering across the ground. But then I also see the fallen state of mankind. I not only see it with my eyes, but I experience it too. With my eyes, hands, mind, heart. I’m a result of that fallen sin. I AM that fallen sin. My viewpoint is the same as any reader of Genesis 3 would picture the text in their mind. I see Satan everyday crawling about and tempting me to eat of the forbidden tree. I know what is right and I know what is wrong, but even with that for-knowledge of good and evil, I am a sinner and therefore I eat of that forbidden tree time and time again. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27). The Lord created us in His image, and in His

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