Nurture comes from a variety of environmental influences and factors from the womb to the outside world. This includes how many teratogens a fetus is exposed to before birth, which includes drug use, viruses, intense stress, and chemicals. It also …show more content…
Both play an equal part to healthy development, though in the case of someone with a genetic disorder they may need extra nurturing. When it comes to morality, there’s no exact answer as to which is more influential, nature or nurture.
With nature, alcoholism comes from how a person’s genes react to the substance. For some, alcohol can be very addictive and to others not at all. Everyone’s body metabolizes alcohol differently varying on how much a person can drink and what reactions occur. Inherited psychological issues such as anxiety can make a person more prone to becoming an alcoholic. The nurture aspect of alcoholism comes from the environment or culture a person lives in. For example, a person who was raised in a strict “dry” environment who is suddenly exposed with the freedom to drink may overindulge.
I believe that intelligence is primarily the result of positive nurturing and environment. Cognitive development relies greatly on positive care giving and encouragement through scaffolding and social …show more content…
At birth the infant brain contains more neurons than a person needs, but less dendrites and synapses than it will eventually posses (Berger, 94). This is because the infant brain will go through rapid development and refinement in these areas over the first few years. Dendrites are grown rapidly through learning and may grow further or be lost through a process called pruning. Pruning occurs when unused information or connections in the brain wither away and die. Pruning actually allows for more progressive learning, creating more space for abstract, progressive thought.
An important part of making sure that these occurrences in the growing infant brain are maintained is to make sure that the infant is well nurtured. This nurturing includes physical aspects, such as being well fed, comforted, and cared for as well as environmental aspects that include enriching experiences. For these reasons I would be certain to provide stimulation and positive interaction for the infant, such as encouraging exploration of the environment, sensory elements, and