The Holocaust massacred mothers, fathers, and children, leaving behind a bloody trail of “agonizing emotional wounds.” Domestic abuse by a loved one shredded the souls of women bit by bit until the only comfort was a “‘nice huge fat sack of meth.’” Trauma takes form in many different ways, but resilience will always appear the same. Resilience is “transcend[ing]” misery and “find[ing] meaning in everyday life” no matter how gruesome the past may be. Resilience is “mov[ing] forward” and taking charge of the “reconstruction of life.” So although trauma may rob an individual’s identity, a resilient one can replace
The Holocaust massacred mothers, fathers, and children, leaving behind a bloody trail of “agonizing emotional wounds.” Domestic abuse by a loved one shredded the souls of women bit by bit until the only comfort was a “‘nice huge fat sack of meth.’” Trauma takes form in many different ways, but resilience will always appear the same. Resilience is “transcend[ing]” misery and “find[ing] meaning in everyday life” no matter how gruesome the past may be. Resilience is “mov[ing] forward” and taking charge of the “reconstruction of life.” So although trauma may rob an individual’s identity, a resilient one can replace