Trinidad. (1). This species can grow when it I half or fully submerged in water. (2) They flourish best in wet habitats, such as marshes and swamps.
(2) The top part of the trap consists of a descending stolon. (2)About midway down the stolon there is a swollen digestion chamber—the utricle--which makes the descending part of the stolon look somewhat like the neck of an ostrich that has eaten an overly big lump of food. (2) Below this chamber, the stolon continues downward as a hollow tube. (2) The tube bifurcates into two long, spiralling branches.(2) Each branch is spirally-slit along its length. (2)Intricate, curved hairs ensure that creatures passing through the slit find themselves in a tunnel travelling upwards, but are unable to backtrack to freedom.(2) All they can do is progress towards the utricle. (2) Genlisea Violacea is a carnivorous plant that is restricted to the areas of South America and
Trinidad. (1). This species can grow when it I half or fully submerged in water. (2) They flourish best in wet habitats, such as marshes and swamps.
(2) The top part of the trap consists of a descending stolon. (2)About midway down the stolon there is a swollen digestion chamber—the utricle--which makes the descending part of the stolon look somewhat like the neck of an ostrich that has eaten an overly big lump of food. (2) Below this chamber, the stolon continues downward as a hollow tube. (2) The tube bifurcates into two long, spiralling branches.(2) Each branch is spirally-slit along its length. (2)Intricate, curved hairs ensure that creatures passing through the slit find themselves in a tunnel travelling upwards, but are unable to backtrack to freedom.(2) All they can do is progress towards the utricle. (2)
Genlisea Violacea
They are probably one of the least known genuses of
Bibliography: 6. Fleischmann, Fischer. "The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: American Genlisea." The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: American Genlisea. Fleischmann, 2000. Web. 30 Oct. 2012. <>. 7. Rice, Barry. "International Carnivorous Plant Society." International Carnivorous Plant Society. Barry Rice, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2012. 8. "The Covert Affairs of the Corkscrew Plant, Genlisea: A Master of Deception." HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <>. 9. "Genlisea Violacea "caraca"" Carnivorous Plants UK. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <>. 10. Fleischmann, Fischer. "The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: American Genlisea." The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: American Genlisea. Fleischmann, 2000-2001. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <>.