Every human being is raised in different environment, interacts with different group of people, and face distinctive challenges and opportunities. These experiences play a major role in shaping people’s perspective and values. Therefore, people hold different opinions and are prone to make unique decisions that may be contrasting from you and even the story. In “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” the Omela community is living a joyful life because of the sacrifice of the innocent boy. The people who are leaving the town feel guilty about their happiness and decide to protect the boy’s rights: “But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.” This clearly shows that the author advocates for the people who are leaving the town and are acknowledging their wrongdoings. The author values human rights and amendments more than her own individual happiness. However, for some people who rank happiness as their most important value, they will continue to ignore the existence of the boy and live in the town of Omelas. It is hard to blame the people who choose happiness, as it is their own values, but these polarizing viewpoints make the stories that contain moral decisions interesting. There is never a correct solution for
Every human being is raised in different environment, interacts with different group of people, and face distinctive challenges and opportunities. These experiences play a major role in shaping people’s perspective and values. Therefore, people hold different opinions and are prone to make unique decisions that may be contrasting from you and even the story. In “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” the Omela community is living a joyful life because of the sacrifice of the innocent boy. The people who are leaving the town feel guilty about their happiness and decide to protect the boy’s rights: “But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.” This clearly shows that the author advocates for the people who are leaving the town and are acknowledging their wrongdoings. The author values human rights and amendments more than her own individual happiness. However, for some people who rank happiness as their most important value, they will continue to ignore the existence of the boy and live in the town of Omelas. It is hard to blame the people who choose happiness, as it is their own values, but these polarizing viewpoints make the stories that contain moral decisions interesting. There is never a correct solution for