Geo-Engineering: Controlling the Climate and Weather
Geo-Engineering: Controlling the Climate and Weather Recall the pleasure derived from the last time you took a walk through a park on a day when the weather was perfect. The sunshine was bright, the temperature was perfect, and perhaps there was a slight breeze that left you the ultimate feeling of refreshment as it caressed your face. Or perhaps you can remember the last time you enjoyed the sounds and smells of a light April shower that left the trees and grass looking so green and the air so fresh that you just couldn’t resist taking a deep cleansing breath. No doubt everyone can remember times such as these or similar instances when the weather was responsible for bringing them a lift in spirit. Now imagine that you had the ability to control the weather and climate. Perhaps your first response to this idea is that such a thing is, and always will be, impossible. But you would be wrong in your assumption. In our modern world there is a science called Geo-Engineering that has become a political issue. Geo-Engineering is the ability of scientists to control the climate and weather in various areas and for various reasons. The issue we are all faced with is whether or not having this control is a good thing or a bad thing. First of all we must answer the question of whether Geo-Engineering is a reality. Without question it is, and has been for decades. Scientists have successfully demonstrated in numerous ways the ability to be able to control the climate and weather. How have they accomplished this formerly miraculous feat? According to, Dr. Roy W. Spencer reports that one form of weather manipulation that has been around for a relatively long time is cloud-seeding. Cloud-seeding is the process of dropping dry ice crystals or silver iodide aerosis into the upper parts of clouds to stimulate the formation of water droplets. This causes rainfall where perhaps there would have been none. This form of weather manipulation has been
Cited: Behar, Michael. “ Can We Stop Storms?” Popular Science Magazine. 2005 Web.
Spencer, Dr. Roy W. Web. 2007. N.p 20 March 2010