Name: Jevaughn K. Gordon
School: Quality academics
Teacher: Mrs. Wright
Table of Content
Aim of Study……………………………………………………………………………. 3
Location of Study Area……………………………………………………………...... 3
Methodology…………………………………………………………………………… 7
Presentation of Data …………………………………………………………………. 8
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………. 11
Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………. 12
Appendix……………………………………………………………………………… 13
Aim of Study
The aim of this field study is to identify the major characteristics of peasant farming in Jamaica.
A field study was carried out to investigate the major characteristics of a peasant farm at 7 Ardenne Road, Kinston 10 Jamaica.
Location of Study Area
The field study took place at 7 Ardenne Road, Kingston 10 Jamaica and illustrated on maps overleaf.
Location of Study Area
On November 14, 2011 a group of students from Quality Academics and their teacher visited a peasant farm at 7 Ardene Road Kingston 10. A questionnaire was used to collect information on how farming was practiced, so the students could have an idea of how the farm was operated.
Before the farm visit, the topic of peasant farming was discussed in class and the questions for the questionnaire put together by the class.
A sample to the Questionnaire can be seen in the Appendix.
Presentation of Data
Peasant Farming is the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals on a small scale. Peasant farmers are found in markets selling produce and are also found in rural areas. They have small farming equipment mostly manual tools. Peasant Farmers face more problems with crop infestations, pests and diseases and massive loss of crops and animals. They use simple agricultural products to aid in the plant’s growth. Most of today 's farmers are peasant farmers.
The peasant farmer practiced mixed farming. This is growing of two or
Bibliography: London, N & Senior, M. Principles of Geography for CXC, London: Longman, 2000 Appendix