For the majority of us, maps represent a useful tool which we often use in daily life be it while navigating new hiking trails or when we are looking for a specific landmark, shopping centre or street name in an unfamiliar town or city. The common road atlas is now being replaced with more sophisticated and interactive digital forms which in some vehicles are now being built in as standard features. These systems use computer programmes and GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite technology to assist with voice prompts and are a form of GIS (Global Information System). GIS though still a relatively new technology is becoming more and more useful for a vast range of applications which include every day life, science and agricultural fields, and the military. In this assignment, I will touch on the essence of GIS to provide a basic introduction to their uses, advantages and disadvantages.
A GIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analysing events and places on the Earth’s surface. A GIS integrates common data base operations, which include query as well as statistical analysis of the data, and the geographical analysis with better visualisation than is achievable with maps [4]. A GIS has the power to not only to create maps, but also integrate different information and visualise scenarios, present ideas, and provide solutions for complicated problems [4]. A GIS performs six tasks which include data input, data manipulation, data management, query and analysis, and finally visualisation.
GIS can be used for a vast range of tasks for nearly everything. In Industry and particularly in agriculture, GIS is used extensively for mapping of crop yield and crop rotation cycles, as well as projecting future soil loss on farms, be it from erosion, or poor use [5]. Since a GIS can be used to manage information from wherever it is located, GIS are becoming