It is also surprising that Mackinder, who argued ‘that technological pro-gress made it increasingly possible for a single power to control the Eurasian heart-land’ (Simon, 2013 p.42), missed wholly the development of air power and could not recognize the implications that the new technology was about to bring with it. The importance of air power was already pointed out during his presentation in 1904 at the Royal Geographical Society by Mr Amery, who argued that with introduction of airpower ‘great deal of this geographical distribution must lose its importance, and the successful powers will be those who have the greatest industrial bases. It will not matter whether they are in the centre of a continent or on an island’ it out to him’ (The Geographical Journal, 1904 p.441). However, the airpower was just half of the problem, but introduction of the ballistic nuclear missiles made Mackinder Heartland theory obsolete because of the greatest natural fortress has lost its
It is also surprising that Mackinder, who argued ‘that technological pro-gress made it increasingly possible for a single power to control the Eurasian heart-land’ (Simon, 2013 p.42), missed wholly the development of air power and could not recognize the implications that the new technology was about to bring with it. The importance of air power was already pointed out during his presentation in 1904 at the Royal Geographical Society by Mr Amery, who argued that with introduction of airpower ‘great deal of this geographical distribution must lose its importance, and the successful powers will be those who have the greatest industrial bases. It will not matter whether they are in the centre of a continent or on an island’ it out to him’ (The Geographical Journal, 1904 p.441). However, the airpower was just half of the problem, but introduction of the ballistic nuclear missiles made Mackinder Heartland theory obsolete because of the greatest natural fortress has lost its