TEMPLATE 2: Conduct directed geography research
A. Collect and record primary/secondary data in your local area
Secondary Data 2.2
Tuesday 11 February Wednesday 12 Febuary
Thursday 13 February Friday 14 February
Saturday 15 Febuary
Sunday 16 Fedbuary
Saturday 15 February Sunday 16 February
Sunday 23 February Monday 24 February
Task 3 3.1 Present your data Weather station
I constructed my own weather station to record 14 days of weather. My weather station was located at the Christchurch Boys High hostel on the front field so it is exposed to all the elements throughout the day wind, rain, and the Sun. I recorded my data every night at 6:30pm consistently over the 14 day period.
Wind vane 3.2
I made my wind vane out of cardboard, sand, 2l bottle, and kebab sticks. Every night it measured the direction of the wind by having it face north and let the wind turn the arrow to the direction the wind was blowing. Overall it gave me a rough idea of the wind directions and patterns in Christchurch.
Thermometer Screen 3.3
My thermometer that I constructed to record the temperate over the 14 day period consisted of an eel spare and a white bucket cut in half and a thermometer. Firstly I placed the thermometer into the bucket then leave it outside for at least 10 minutes so it can adjust to the temperate then I will record the data. The thermometer